29 February, 2008

Apple Vs Microsoft

There has been a huge debate recently about Apple vs Microsoft, especially with Microsoft's latest operating system, Microsoft Windows Vista. There is usually Vista criticism from members who have used Windows Vista on a slow computer, such as a computer with a gig or less of RAM combined with a single core processor and integrated graphics.
Now, I myself, am a huge Microsoft fan boy, there is nothing wrong with that, nor is there anything wrong with been an Apple fan boy. But if you admit to been a Microsoft fan boy, prepare yourself for name calling, bashing and repeated bullying from the Apple fan boys. Coming online and saying WINDOWS VISTA SUCKS does not justify why you think it sucks, and blaring out more random crap, just makes you sound very ignorant. Apple have built a community as a 'cult' if you will, so saying your a Microsoft fan boy to an Apple fan boy, it like kissing Satan's mother, lets continue....

Microsoft Windows Vista is designed for gaming, online communication, office work and usually provides more than enough tools for the basic video editor.

Apple Macintosh OS X is designed for advanced photo and video editing, and light Internet usage, it is not intended to be a business machine, nor are they intended to be a gaming machine, that is exactly why their computers are not very "quick" except for the Mac Pro.

Personally if Apple could come to a desktop computer, id stay with Microsoft Windows........ Why?, for the support, reliability, compatibility, unless your going to do advanced video/picture editing, I recommend that you save your money, and buy a high end PC over a low end Apple.

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